Howard E. Aldrich Kenan Professor and Department Chair of Sociology Personal page: Personal web site: |
Education: B.A. in Sociology at Bowling Green State University; M.A. in Sociology at University of Michigan; Ph.D. in Sociology at University of Michigan.
Research interests: Evolutionary social science; Economic sociology; Organizations, occupations, and work; Entrepreneurship; Social networks and business performance; Cross national studies of entrepreneurship and social networks; Human resource management in new ventures; Business interest associations and the evolution of organizational communities; Gender differences in business management; Electronic commerce, with focus on application service providers.
Present positions: Advisory Board, Center for Innovative Entrepreneurship, New York ● International Research Advisory Board, ESBRI (Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute), Stockholm, Sweden ● Research Advisory Board, EePulse, Ann Arbor, Michigan ● Advisory Board, IMEET (International Master in Entrepreneurship Education and Training), Denmark (a consortium of Danish Universities, including the University of Southern Denmark and Copenhagen Business School) ● Advisory Board, IDEA (International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy) ● Advisory Board, FSF (Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research) ● Advisory Board, Smith Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland ● Memberships: American Sociological Association; Academy of Management; Sociological Research Association; Southern Sociological Society; Strategic Management Society.
Awards and acknowledgments: Best Paper on Women's Entrepreneurship Award 2003 for the paper: On their own terms? Gendered rhetoric versus business behavior in small firms ( ● Conference on "Evolutionary Approaches to Entrepreneurship" in honor of H.E. Aldrich at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, 2002, and special issue of the Journal of Business Venture, edited by S. Shane: Evolutionary approaches to entrepreneurship: Honoring Howard Aldrich, vol. 19, 3, May 2004 ( ● J. Carlyle Sitterson Freshman Teaching Award 2002 ● Max Weber Award 2000 for the book: Organizations Evolving ( ● Career Achievement Award, Academy of Management, 2000 ● Entrepreneurship Researcher of the Year Award, Swedish Foundation of Small Business Research, 2000.
Web resources on Professor Aldrich: Howard Aldrich on forming successful entrepreneurial Teams, Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative, 2005 ( ● H. Landstrom: Pioneers in entrepreneurship research, Ch. 12 Howard Aldrich - Theorist and legitimizer of the field ( ● D. Baird, A teaching champion: An interview with Howard Aldrich, 1996 (
(2009) Howard E. Aldrich. Facilitating a Rational Process Model of Entrepreneurial Team Formation through Designing Effective Social Networks. Pp. 73-86 in Anders Lundstrom (ed.), The Role of SMEs and Entrepreneurship in a Globalized Economy. Expert Report Number 34 to Sweden’s Globalisation Council. Stockholm: The Globalisation Council (
(2008) Howard E. Aldrich, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, David L. Hull, Thorbjørn Knudsen, Joel Mokyr, Viktor J. Vanberg. In defence of generalized Darwinism. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18, 5: 577-596 (
(2007) Howard E. Aldrich, Phillip H. Kim. Small worlds, infinite possibilities? Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (
(2004) Phillip Kim, Howard E. Aldrich, Lisa A. Keister. Household income and net worth. Pp. 49-61 in William B. Gartner, Kelly G. Shaver, Nancy M. Carter, and Paul D. Reynolds, editors. The Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics: The Process of Organizational Creation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (
(2003) Howard E. Aldrich, Jennifer E. Cliff. The pervasive effects of family on entrepreneurship: Toward a family embeddedness perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 18, 5 (September): 573-596 (
(2003) Johann Peter Murmann, Howard Aldrich, Daniel Levinthal, Sidney Winter. Evolutionary Thought in Management and Organization Theory at the Beginning of the New Millennium. Journal of Management Inquiry (
(2003) L.A. Renzulli, H.E. Aldrich, J. Reynolds, It's up in the air, or is it? Teaching Sociology. 31, 1 (January): 49-59 (
(2003) M. Ruef, H.E. Aldrich, N.M. Carter, The structure of founding teams: Homophily, strong ties, and isolation among u.s. entrepreneurs, American Sociological Review, 2003, Vol. 68 (April: 195-222) (
(2002) I.O. Williamson, D.M. Cable, H.E. Aldrich, Smaller but not necessarily weaker: How small businesses can overcome barriers to recruitment, Managing People in Entrepreneurial Organizations, 2002, Volume 5, pages 83-106 (
(2001) H.E. Aldrich, Who wants to be an evolutionary theorist?, Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 10 No. 2, June 2001, 115-127 (
(1998) H.E. Aldrich, L.A. Renzulli, N. Langton, Passing on privilege: Resources provided by self-employed parents to their self-employed children, in K. Leicht (ed.), Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, JAI (
(1998) Howard E. Aldrich, Michele Kremen Bolton, Ted Baker, Toshihiro Sasaki. Information Exchange and Governance Structures in U.S. and Japanese R&D Consortia: Institutional and Organizational Influences. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 45, no. 3, august 1998 (
(1997) H.E. Aldrich, My career as a teacher, in R. Andre e P. Frost (eds.), Researchers Hooked on Teaching: Noted Scholars Discuss the Synergies of Teaching and Research, Sage (
(1994) Howard E. Aldrich, C. Marlene Fiol. Fools rush in? The institutional context of industry creation. Academy of Management Review, 19, 4: 645-670 (
Working papers and drafts:
(2003) P.H. Kim, H.E. Aldrich, L.A. Keister, If I were rich? The impact of financial and human capital on becoming a nascent entrepreneur (
(2003) A.E. Davis, H.E. Aldrich, Who are voluntary associations bringing together? Voluntary associations' contingent value for network diversity, prepared for presentation at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (
(2001) J.E. Cliff, N. Langton, H.E. Aldrich, Conducting business on their own terms? The effect of owner gender on organizational characteristics (
(2000) H.E. Aldrich, A. Fortune, Can't buy me love" (but I know where you can rent it): The emerging organizational community around web-based application service providers, prepared for presentation at the 2000 Annual Academy of Management Conference (
(2000) A.B. Davis, H.E. Aldrich, The organizational advantage? Social capital, gender, and small business owners'access to resources, prepared for presentation at the 2000 American Sociological Association meetings (
(2001) Ted Backer, H.E. Aldrich, Bricolage and resource-seeking: improvisational responses to dependence in entrepreneurial firms (
(1999) Howard E. Aldrich and Amy L. Kenworthy. The accidental entrepreneur: Campbellian antinomies and organizational foundings (
(----) T. Baker, H.E. Aldrich, The trouble with gurus: Responses to dependence and the emergence of employment practices in entrepreneurial firms (
(----) J.E. Cliff, N. Langton, H.E. Aldrich, On their own terms? Gendered rhetoric versus business behavior in small firms, SAUDER School of Business, British Columbia (Submission # 12975) (
(----) H.E. Aldrich, How to hand exams back to your class, forthcoming in College Teaching (
Updated: January 24, 2010