Michele Fratianni Emeritus
Professor of Business
Economics and Public Policy Personal page: http://www.kelley.indiana.edu/fratiann/ |
Education: B.A. at Ohio State University; M.A. in Economics at Ohio State University; Ph.D. in Economics at Ohio State University.
Research interests: Macroeconomics; Monetary economics; International finance; Public choice; Business and finance; Economic integration of Europe.
Present positions: Promoting member, MoFiR ● Founder and Managing Editor, Open Economies Review●Co-editor, Global Finance series ● Review Board: The International Trade Journal; Political Economy of Global Interdependence ● Memberships: American Economics Association; International Trade and Finance Association (Director).
Awards and acknowledgments: AMOCO Faculty Fellow, 1993-1998 ● Fulbright Senior Research Fellow, 1985-1986 ● St. Vincent Prize in Economics 1992.
Web resources on Professor Fratianni: Fratianni's bio for 2006 retirement (http://www.indiana.edu/~deanfac/bios/2006/MFratianni06.pdf) ● Michele Fratianni at IDEAS/RePEc (http://ideas.repec.org/e/pfr84.html)
(2008) Michele Fratianni, Francesco Marchionne. Heterogeneity in trade costs, Economics Bulletin, 2008, Vol 6, n. 48: 1-14 (preprint: http://www.accessecon.com/pubs/EB/2008/Volume6/EB-08F10028A.pdf)
(2001) Michele Fratianni and Franco Spinelli, Fiscal dominance and money growth in Italy: The long record, Explorations in Economic History (preprint: http://www.zei.de/download/fratiani.pdf)
(1988) Michele Fratianni, The European Monetary System: How well has it worked?The Cato Journal (http://cato.org/pubs/journal/cj8n2/cj8n2-11.pdf)
(1984) Paul De Grauve, Michele Fratianni, The political economy of international lending, The Cato Journal (http://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/cj4n1/cj4n1-8.pdf)
(1984) Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli. Italy in the Gold Standard Period, 1861-1914. In Michael D. Bordo, Anna J. Schwartz (eds.) A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931 (p. 405-454). University of Chicago Press (http://www.nber.org/chapters/c11134.pdf)
Working papers and drafts:
(2009) Pietro Alessandrini, Michele Fratianni. International monies, special drawing rights, and supernational money (http://www.bus.indiana.edu/riharbau/RePEc/iuk/wpaper/bepp2009-03-alessandrini-fratianni.pdf)
(2008) Michele Fratianni, Chang Hoon Oh. Expanding RTAs, trade flows, and the multinational enterprise (http://www.bus.indiana.edu/riharbau/RePEc/iuk/wpaper/bepp2008-02-fratianni-oh.pdf)
(2008) Pietro Alessandrini, Michele Fratianni. Resurrecting Keynes to stabilize the International monetary system. MoFiR Working Paper (http://mofir.univpm.it/files/working%20paper/Mofir_1.pdf)
(2008) Alessandra del Boca, Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Carmine Trecroci. Wage bargaining coordination and the Phillips curve in Italy (http://www.aiel.it/bacheca/BRESCIA/papers/delboca_fratianni_spinelli_trecroci.pdf)
(2008) Alessandra del Boca, Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Carmine Trecroci. The Phillips curve and the Italian Lira, 1861-1998 (http://www.bus.indiana.edu/riharbau/RePEc/iuk/wpaper/bepp2008-05-delboca-fratianni-spinelli-trecroci.pdf)
(2007) Michele Fratianni. The gravity equation in international trade (http://webhouse.unimc.it/economia/repo/19/Gravity-Fratianni07.pdf)
(2007) Michele Fratianni. Karl Brunner il monetarista (http://dea2.univpm.it/quaderni/pdf/287.pdf)
(2007) Michele Fratianni, Chang Hoon Oh. On the relationship between expansion and openness (http://dea2.univpm.it/quaderni/pdf/288.pdf)
(2006) Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Italian city-states and financial evolution ( http://www.eco.unibs.it/~trecroci/Financial%20evolution%20Italian%20cities%20Jan%2006.pdf)
(2005) Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Did Genoa and Venice kick a financial revolution in the Quattrocento? (http://ebusiness.oenb.at/en/img/wp112_tcm16-38081.pdf)
(2004) Michele Fratianni, Heejoon Kang, Borders and international terrorism ( http://www.g7.utoronto.ca/conferences/2004/indiana/papers2004/fratianni_kang.pdf))
(2004) Michele Fratianni, Government debt, reputation and creditors' protections: The tale of San Giorgio ( http://www.iub.edu/~econdept/conference/Fratianni%20final%20draft.pdf)
(2002) Michele Fratianni, Andreas Hauskrecht, A centralized monetary union for Mercosur: Lessons from EMU, Conference on "Euro and Dollarization" Fordham University and CEPR ( http://www.bnet.fordham.edu/public/m-union/abstracts/fratiannipaper.pdf)
(2001) Michele Fratianni, Franco Spinelli, Italian deflation in the gold-exchange standard (http://econ.claremontmckenna.edu/seminars/italian.pdf)
(2001) Michele Fratianni, John Pattison, International lender of last resort: A concept in search of a meaning (http://www.g8.utoronto.ca/conferences/2001/rome/fratianni.pdf)
(2000) Michele Fratianni, Jürgen von Hagen, The Konstanz seminar on monetary theory and policy at Thirty (http://www.zei.de/download/zei_wp/B01-02.pdf)
Updated: January 27, 2010