Sigrid S. Glenn Department Founder and Regent Professor of Behavior Analysis Personal page: Personal web site: |
Education: Ph.D. and M.S in Clinical Psychology at University of North Texas.
Research interests: Behavior theory; Behavioral and cultural evolution; Verbal behavior; Organization, operant principles, macro and metacontingencies; Instructional design and technology.
Present positions: Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Licensed Psychologist with HSP (Texas) ● Editorial Board, Behavior and Social Issues ● Editorial Board, The Behavior Analyst ● Editorial Board, European Journal of Behavior Analysis ● Chair Board of Directors, Nomination & Board Development Committee, Association for Scientific Autism Treatment (ASAT) ● Educational Advisory Board, Connecticut Center for Child Development ● Memberships: American Psychological Association (Fellow); Association for Behavior Analysis:International; Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (elected 1989); Texas Association for Behavior Analysis.
Awards and acknowledgments: Honor Professor (1987) University of North Texas ● Distributed Learning Pioneer (1999) UNT Center for Distributed Learning ● Award for Outstanding Contributions to Behavior Analysis (2000) California Association for Behavior Analysis.
Web resources on Professor Glenn : Sigrid Glenn talks about the cultural level of analysis from a behavior analytic perspective at the Behavior and Culture Lab, University of North Texas, August 2006 (video:
(2009) C. Vichi, M.A.Pie Abib Andery, S.S. Glenn, A metacontingency experimento: The effects of contingent consequences on patterns of interlocking contingencies of reinforcement, Behavior and Social Issues, 18(2009) (
(2006) M.E. Malott, S.S. Glenn, Targets of intervention in cultural and behavioral change, Behavior and Social Issues, 15, 31-56 (
(2005) S.S. Glenn, M.E. Malott, Challenges to large scale change: Reply to Pennypacker, Behavior and Social Issues, 13, 138-139 (
(2004) S.S. Glenn, Individual behavior, culture, and social change, The Bahavior Analyst, 2004, 27, 133-151, No. 2 (Fall) (
(2004) S.S. Glenn, M.E. Malott, Complexity and selection: Implications for organizational change, Behavior and Social Issues, 13, 89-106 (
(2004) S.S. Glenn, M.E. Malott, Overcoming barriers to extrapolation: Reply to Hobbs, Behavior and Social Issues, 13, 119-123 (
(2004) S.S. Glenn, M.E. Malott, Behavioral and cultural classifications: Reply to Mattaini, Behavior and Social Issues, 13, 131-133 (
(2004) S.S. Glenn, M.E. Malott, Are operant principles sufficient to understand organization? Reply to Salzinger, Behavior and Social Issues, 13, 143-144 (
(2002) S.S. Glenn, Retrospective on Goldiamond’s “Toward a Constructional Approach to Social Problems”. Behavior and Social Issues, 11, 202-203 (
(2001) D.L. Hull, R. Langman, S.S. Glenn, General account of selection: Biology, immunology, and behaviour, The Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 24, 511-528 (
(1989) S.S. Glenn, Verbal behavior and cultural practices, Behavior Analysis and Social Action, 7, 10-14 (
(1986) S.S. Glenn, Metacontingencies in Walden Two, Behavior Analysis and Social Action, 6, 2-8 (
Updated: January 11, 2010