John H. Kagel University
Chaired Professor of Applied Microeconomics Personal page: |
Education: B.A. in Economics at Tufts University; M.P.I.A. in Economic Development at University of Pittsburgh; M.S. in Economics at Purdue University; Ph.D. in Economics at Purdue University.
Research interests: Experimental economics; Experimental game theory; Experimental methods; Choice theory and choice behavior: economic and psychological models; Economic theory of consumer demand, consumer demand behavior; Applied behavioral analysis; Token economies; Public goods; Industrial organization theory; Auctions: common value auctions, private value auctions, double auctions, information impact and allocation rules, winner's course.
Present positions: Editorial board, Journal of Experimental Economics.
Awards and acknowledgments: Distinguished Scholar Award, The Ohio State University, 2008 ● Fellow of the Econometric Society, 2003 ● Chancellor's Distinguished Research Award, University of Pittsburgh, 1997 ● Best 1973 Western Economic Journal Article Award for the paper: A test of consumer demand theory using observation of individual consumer purchases.
Web resources on Professor Kagel: John Kagel at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies (; ● John Kagel at IDEAS/RePEc (
(2005) Guillaume R. Fréchette, John H. Kagel, Massimo Morelli, Gamson's law versus non-cooperative bargaining theory (
(2004) Gary Charness, Guillaume R. Frechette, John H. Kagel, How robust is laboratory gift exchange? Experimental Economics, 7:189–205 (
(2003) D. Cooper, John H. Kagel, The impact of meaningful context on strategic play in signalling games, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 50 (Preprint 2001:
(2002) R. Lynn Hannan, John Kagel, Don Moser, Partial gift exchange in an experimental labor market: Impact of subject population differences, productivity differences and effort requests on behavior, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol 20 (
(2000) John Kagel, Alvin Roth, The dynamics of reorganization in matching markets: A laboratory experiment motivated by a natural experiment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol CXV (
(2000) Ananda Ganguly, John Kagel, Donald Moser, Do asset markets reflect traders’ judgement biases, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol 20 (
(1999) John Kagel, Dan Levin, Common value auctions with insider information, Econometrica, Vol 67 (
(1999) David Cooper, John Kagel, Wei Lo, Qing Liang Gu, Gaming against managers in incentive systems: Experimental results with Chinese students and Chinese managers, American Economic Review, Vol 89 (
(1997) Christopher Avery, John Kagel, Second-price auctions with asymmetric payoffs, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 6 (
(1996) John Kagel, C. Kim, D. Moser, Fairness in ultimatum games with asymmetric information and asymmetric payoffs, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 13 (
(1996) Doug Dyer, John Kagel, Bidding in common value auctions: How the commercial construction industry corrects for the winner's curse, Management Science , Vol. 42 ('s%20Curse.pdf)
(1996) Dan Levin, John Kagel, J.F. Richard, Revenue effects and information processing in English common value auctions, American Economic Review, Vol. 86 (
(1995) John Kagel, Dan Levin, Ronald Harstad, Comparative static effects of number of bidders and public information in second-price common value auctions, International Journal of Game Theory Vol 24 (
(1993) John Kagel, Dan Levin, Independent private value auctions: Bidder behavior in first, second and third price auctions with varying numbers of bidders, Economic Journal, Vol. 103 (
(1990) John Kagel, D. MacDonald, R. Battalio, Tests of 'fanning out' of indifference curves: Results from animal and human experiments, American Economic Review, Vol. 80 (,%20MacDonald%20and%20Battalio_Tests%20of%20Fanning%20Out%20of%20Indifference%20Curves_Results%20from%20Animal%20and%20Human%20Experiments.pdf)
(1989) Douglas Dyer, John Kagel, Dan Levin, A comparison of naive and experienced bidders in common value auctions: A laboratory analysis, Economic Journal, Vol. 99 (
(1989) Douglas Dyer, John Kagel, Dan Levin, Resolving uncertainty about numbers of bidders in independent private value auctions: An experimental analysis, RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 20 (
(1987) Green L, Kagel JH, Battalio RC., Consumption-leisure tradeoffs in pigeons: Effects of changing marginal wage rates by varying amount of reinforcement, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Jan; 47(1): 17-28 ( )
(1987) John Kagel, Ronald Harstad, Dan Levin, Information impact and allocation rules in auctions with affiliated private values: A laboratory study, Econometrica, Vol. 55 (
(1986) John Kagel, Dan Levin, The winner's curse and public information in common value auctions, American Economic Review, Vol. 76 (
(1981) Raymond C. Battalio, John Kagel, Income-leisure tradeoffs of animal workers, American Economic Review, Vol. 71 (
(1980) John H. Kagel, Raymond C. Battalio, Token economy and animal models for the experimental analysis of economic behaviour, in J. Kmenta and J. Ramsey (eds.) Evaluation of Econometric Models. Academic Press: New York (
(1972) John H. Kagel, R.C. Winkler, Behavioral economics: Areas of cooperative research between economics and applied behavioral analysis, Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis (Fall) (
Working papers and drafts:*
(*all available at Professor Kagel's web page:
(2009) John Kagel, Laboratory experiments (
(2009) David Cooper, John Kagel, Other regarding preferences: A selective survey of experimental results, (to appear in The Handbook of Experimental Economics) (
(2009) Sotiris Georganas, John Kagel, Asymmetric auctions with resale: An experimental study (
(2009) John Kagel, Yuanchuan Lien, Paul Milgrom, Ascending prices and package bidding: A theoretical and experimental analysis(
(2009) David Cooper, John Kagel, Equilibrium selection in signaling games with teams: Forward induction or faster adaptive learning?(
(2009) John Kagel, Hankyoung Sung, Eyal Winter, Veto power in committees: An experimental study(
(2009) Guillaume R. Fréchette, John Kagel, Massimo Morelli, Pork versus public goods: An experimental study of public good provision within a legislative bargaining framework (
(2008) John Kagel, Dan Levin, Auctions: A survey of experimental research, 1995 – 2008 (
(2008) J. Lightle, John Kagel, H. Arkes. Information exchange in group decision making: The hidden profile problem reconsidered(to be published in Management Science, 2009) (
(2008) John Kagel, Svetlana Pevnitskaya, Lixin Ye, Indicative bidding: An experimental analysis(to be published in Games and Economic Behavior, 2008) (
(2007) John Kagel, Dan Levin, Winner's curse (to be published in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, Macmillan Publishing, 2007) (
(2007) John Kagel, Dan Levin, Auctions: experiments (to be published in International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, Macmillan Publishing, 2007) (
(2007) David Cooper, John Kagel, The role of context and team play in cross-game learning (to be published in Journal of the European Economic Association, 2009) (
(2007) John Kagel, Svetlana Pevnitskaya, Lixin Ye, Survival auctions (to be published in Economic Theory, 2007) (
(2006) Marco Casari, John C. Ham, John H. Kagel, Selection bias, demographic effects and ability effects in common value auction experiments (
(2006) David J. Cooper, John H. Kagel, Learning and transfer in signaling games (,%20ET%20final%20submission.pdf)
(2006) John C. Hamm John H. Kagel, Gender effects in private value auctions (
(2006) Susan L. Rose, John H. Kagel, Bidding in almost common value auctions: An experiment (
(2006) John H. Kagel, Dan Levin, Implementing efficient multi-object auction institutions: An experimental study of the performance of boundedly rational agents (
(2006) John C. Ham, John H. Kagel, Subject versus population characteristics in economics experiments(
(2006) Mark F. Owens, John H. Kagel, Minimum wage restrictions and employee effort in labor markets with gift exchange present (
(2005) Guillaume Fréchette, John H. Kagel, Massimo Morelli, Behavioral identification in coalitional bargaining: an experimental analysis of demand bargaining and alternating offers (
(2004) David J. Cooper, John H. Kagel, Are two heads better than one? Team versus individual play in signaling games (
(2004) John H. Kagel, Dan Levin, Multi-unit demand auctions with synergies: behavior in sealed-bid versus ascending-bid uniform-price auctions (
(2003) Guillaume Frechette, John Kagel, Massimo Morelli, Nominal bargaining power, selection protocol and discounting in legislative bargaining (
(2003) Dan Levin, John H. Kagel, Almost common values auctions revisited (
(2003) David J. Cooper, John H. Kagel, Lessons learned: Generalizing learning across games (
(2002) Guillaume R. Frechette, John H. Kagel, Steven F. Lehrer, Bargaining in legislatures: An experimental investigation of open versus closed amendment rules (
(2001) John C. Ham, John H. Kagel, Steven F. Lehrer, Randomization, endogeneity and laboratory experiments: The role of cash balances in private value auctions (
(2001) R. Lynn Hannan, John H. Kagel, Donald V. Moser, Partial gift exchange in an experimental labor market: Impact of subject population differences, productivity differences and effort requests on behavior (
(2001) John H. Kagel, Scott Kinross, Dan Levin, Comparing efficient multi-object auction institutions (
(2000) John H. Kagel, Katherine Wolfe, Tests of difference aversion to explain anomalies in simple bargaining games(
(2000) John H. Kagel, Dan Levin, Behavior in multi-unit demand auctions: Experiments with uniform price and dynamic Vickrey auctions (
(1998) John H. Kagel, Double auction markets with stochastic supply and demand schedules: Call markets and continuous auction trading mechanisms (
Updated: January 29, 2010