Philippa E. Pattison Professor
of Social and Organizational Psychology Personal page: |
Education: Ph.D. at University of Melbourne.
Research interests: Social and organisational psychology; Quantitative psychology; Mathematical models for social and behavioural phenomena; Mathematical models for relational structures; Social networks, network-based social processes and network-based stochastic models for social processes; Large scale network structures (macro or global level); Epidemiology of mental health; Organizational design.
Present positions: Coordinator, Social Networks Laboratory (; ● Advisory Panel, National Science Foundation's program on Measurement, Methodology and Statistics ● Participant, COSNet-ARC Complex Open Systems ( ● Memberships: ASSA, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (; INSNA, International Network for Social Networks Analysis (
Awards and acknowledgments: 1977 RIAS Fellow, Harvard University ● 1988 Early Career Award, Australian Psychological Society ● 2002 Simmel Award, International Network for Social Network Analysis.
Web resources on Professor Pattison: Presentation on “Social influence model”, Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference (Complex’07), 2-5 July 2007 (slides: ● Lecture on "Multipe Networks", International Workshop/School and Conference on Network Science, Indiana University, 2006 (slides: ● Lecture on "Exponential random graph models for social networks" (con G. Robins), Harvard University Workshop, 2002 (slides:
(2006) Ling Heng Wong, Philippa Pattison, Garry Robins. A spatial model for social networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 360 (1): 99-120 (
(2005) Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison, Jodie Woolcock. Small and other worlds: Global network structures from local processes. American Journal of Sociology, Volume 110 Number 4 (January): 894–936 (
(2004) Philippa Pattison, Garry Robins. Building models for social space: Neighbourhood-based models for social networks and affiliation structures. Math. & Sci. hum. / Mathematics and Social Sciences, n° 168, (4), p. 11-29 (
(2004) Lomi, A., & Pattison, P. Introduction to the CMOT special issue on mathematical representations and models for the analysis of social networks within and between organizations. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 10, 5-15 (
(2003) Schofield, P.E., Pattison, P.E., Hill, D.J., Borland, R. Youth culture and smoking: integrating social group processes and individual cognitive processes in a model of health-related behaviours. Journal of Health Psychology, 8, 291-306 ( Pattison, P. E., & Breiger, R. L. (2002). Lattices and dimensional representations: matrix decompositions and ordering structures. Social Networks, 24, 423-444 (
(2000) Pattison, P., Wasserman, S., Robins, G., & Kanfer, A. Statistical evaluation of algebraic constraints for social networks. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 44, 536-568 (
(1998) Schofield, P., Borland, R., Hill, D., Pattison, P. E., & Hilbert, M. Instability in smoking patterns among school leavers in Victoria, Australia. Tobacco Control 7: 149-155 (
Working papers and drafts:
(all available at the Social Network Laboratory website:
(2008) Johan Koskinen, Peng Wang, Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison. Extreme Actors - Outliers and Influential Observations in exponential random graph (p-star) models (Technical report:
(2008) Johan H. Koskinen, Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison. Analysing exponential random graph (p-star) models with missing data using bayesian data augmentation (Technical report:
(2008) Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison, Johan Koskinen. Network degree distributions (Technical report:
(2008) Garry Robins, Pip Pattison, Peng Wang. Closure, connectivity and degree distributions: Exponential random graph (p*) models for directed social networks (
(2008) Peng Wang, Ken Sharpe, Garry L. Robins, Philippa E. Pattison. Exponential random graph (p_) models for affiliation networks (
(2007) Garry Robins, Dean Lusher, Philippa Pattison, Peter Kremer. Data with complex dependencies: The joint analysis of individual attitudes and networked social systems (
(2006) Garry Robins, Philippa Pattison. Multiple networks in organisations (
(2006) Philippa Pattison. Algebraic models for social networks (
(2006) Philippa Pattison, Garry Robins. Probabilistic network theory (
(2006) Pattison, P. E., Robins, G. L., & Kashima, Y. Psychology of social networks (forthcoming in: Blume, L., & Durlauf, S. (Eds), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition) (,%20psychology.pdf)
(2006) Garry Robins, Tom Snijders, Peng Wang, Mark Handcock, Philippa Pattison. Recent developments in exponential random graph (p*) models for social networks (
(2005) Tom A.B. Snijders, Philippa E. Pattison, Garry L. Robins, Mark S. Handcock, New specifications for exponential random graph models (
(2004) Tom A.B. Snijders, Philippa E. Pattison, Garry L. Robins, Mark S. Handcock. New specifications for exponential random graph models (working paper, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences:
Updated: February 3, 2010