Dominick Salvatore Distinguished Professor of Economics Personal page: |
Education: B.A. at The City College of New York; M.A. at The City College of New York; Ph.D. at The City University of New York.
Research interests: International economics; Microeconomic theory; Managerial economics; Development economics; Econometrics; Euro and European Union; International monetary system; Financial crises; New economy and growth; Globalization and international competitiveness; Globalization, growth and poverty; Trade and development; Structural imbalances and world economic stability.
Present positions: President, North American Economics and Finance Association (NAEFA) ● Consultant: United Nations; World Bank; International Monetary Fund; Economic Policy Institute ● Founding member and Executive Board, International Trade and Finance Association ● Executive Board: Society of Policy Modeling; Eastern Economic Association; North American Economic and Finance Association ● Co-editor, Journal of Policy Modeling ● Co-editor, Open Economies Review ● Associate Editor, The American Economist and Frontiers in Finance and Economics ● Editorial Board: Global Economy Journal; Journal of Economics and Finance; International Trade Journal; Mondo Bancario; Review of Economic Conditions in Italy ● Editorial writer for Il Sole 24Ore ● Memberships: American Economic Association; American Econometric Society; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Royal Economic Society; Regional Science Association; Southern Economic Association; New York State Economic Association; North American Economic and Financial Association; Eastern Economic Association; Society for Policy Modeling; Founding Member of the International Trade and Finance Association.
Awards and acknowledgments: Elected Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences, 1997 ● Graduate Teacher of the Year Award, Fordham University, 1997.
Web resources on Professor Salvatore: Intervista a Dominick Salvatore sulla crisi finanziaria 2008, Mediolanum Market Forum (video: ● Dominick Salvatore on the Financiali Crisis 2008, Mediolanum Press Conference (Italian language video:; ● Dominick Salvatore at the Forum organized by the “Giovani imprenditori della Confcommercio”, “L’emergenza educativa”, 2008 (Italian language video: ● Books of Dominick Salvatore at Google books (limited availability:
(2007) Dominick Salvatore, U.S. trade deficits, the dollar, and international monetary stability, Journal of Policy Modeling, May (
(2004) Dominick Salvatore, Globalization, comparative advantage and Europe’s double competitive squeeze, Global Economy Journal, October, pp. 5-24 (
(2000) Dominick Salvatore, Mundell - Three brilliant Ideas, one Nobel, Journal of Policy Modeling, May, pp. 305-311(
(1999) Gerhard Fink, Peter R. Haiss, Lucjan T. Orlowski, Dominick Salvatore, Privileged interfirm/bank relationships in Central Europe: Trigger or trap for corporate governance? CASE, No. 170, Fall, pp. 1-32 (
Working papers and drafts:
(2008) Emre Ozsoz, Erick W. Rengifo, Dominick Salvatore. Dollarization as an investment signal in developing countries: The case of Croatia, Czech Republic, Peru, Slovak Republic and Turkey (
(2007) Fred Campano, Dominick Salvatore, Economic development and income distribution, AEA Annual Meeting Papers and Program (
(2002) Dominick Salvatore, The Euro: Expectatins and performance, Paper prepared for the 13th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance (
(1999) Gerhard Fink, Peter R. Haiss, Lucjan T. Orlowski, Dominick Salvatore, Privileged interfirm/bank relationships in Central Europe: Trigger or trap for corporate governance?(
Updated: February 6, 2010