Peter P. Wakker Professor of Decision Theory Personal page: |
Education: Master degree in Matematics, specialization in probability theory, statistics and optimization theory, at Nijmegen University (The Netherlands); Ph.D. in Economics at CentER, Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
Research interests: Mathematics and psychology; Decision analysis and theory; Prospect theory; Preferences and utility; Risk and uncertainty; Ambiguity, ambiguity attitude and aversion; Risk behavior and risk aversion; Medical risks, medical decision making and quality of life; Health economics; High-risk investments; Insurance decisions.
Present positions: Editorial Board, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making ● Editorial Board, Journal of Mathematical Psychology ● Editorial Board, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty ● Editorial Board, Management Science (Department Editor) ● Editorial Board, Medical Decision Making ● Editorial Board, Theory and Decision ● Memberships: Fellow of the Econometric Society; Fellow of the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences); Full Member of the Operations Research Society.
Awards and acknowledgments: Medical Decision Making Career Achievement Award 2007 ( ● DAS Publication Award 2003 for the paper “Making Descriptive Use of Prospect Theory to Improve the Prescriptive Use of Expected Utility" Management Science, 2001 (with H. Bleichrodt, J.L. Pinto) and DAS Publication Award 2002 for the paper "Unstable Preferences: A Shift in Valuation or an Effect of the Elicitation Procedure?" Medical Decision Making (with S.J.T. Jansen, A.M. Stiggelbout, M.A. Nooij, E.M. Noordijk, J. Kievit) ( ● New Investigator Award of Society for Mathematical Psychology, 1991.
Web resources on Professor Wakker : Peter Wakker’s EBDM seminar Making the rich domain of ambiguity tractable for applications (2009, Abstract:
(All available at Professor Wakker homepage at
(2009) H. Bleichrodt, K.I.M. Rohde, P.P. Wakker, Non-hyperbolic time inconsistency, Games and Economic Behavior, 66, 27-38 (
(2009) T. Offerman, J. Sonnemans, G. van de Kuilen, P.P. Wakker, A truth-serum for non-Bayesians: Correcting proper scoring rules for risk attitudes, Review of Economic Studies 76, 1461-1489 (
(2009) C.M.D. Sales, P.P. Wakker, The metric-frequency measure of similarity for ill-structured data sets, with an application to family therapy, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 62, 663-682 (
(2008) H. Bleichrodt, K.I.M. Rohde, P.P. Wakker, Combining additive representations on subsets into an overall representation, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 52, 304-310 (
(2008) H. Bleichrodt, K.I.M. Rohde, P.P. Wakker, Koopmans' constant discounting for intertemporal choice: A simplification and a generalization, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 52, 341-347 (
(2008) André de Palma, Moshe Ben-Akiva, David Brownstone, Charles Holt, Thierry Magnac, Daniel McFadden, Peter Moffatt, Nathalie Picard, Kenneth Train, Peter P. Wakker, Joan Walker, Risk, uncertainty and discrete choice models, Marketing Letters 19, 269-285 (
(2008) Stefan T. Trautmann, Ferdinand M. Vieider, Peter P. Wakker, Causes of ambiguity aversion: Known versus unknown preferences, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 36, 225-243 (
(2008) Peter P. Wakker, Lessons learned by (from?) an economist working in medical decision making, Medical Decision Making 28, 690-698 (
(2008) Peter P. Wakker, Explaining the characteristics of the power (CRRA) utility family, Health Economics 17, 1329-1344 (
(2008) Peter P. Wakker, Uncertainty, In: Lawrence Blume & Steven N. Durlauf (Eds.), The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics 8, 428-439. The MacMillan Press, London (
(2007) Mohammed Abdellaoui, Carolina Barrios, Peter P. Wakker, Reconciling introspective utility with revealed preference: Experimental arguments based on prospect theory, Journal of Econometrics 138, 356-378 (
(2007) Enrico Diecidue, Peter P. Wakker, Marcel Zeelenberg, Eliciting decision weights by adapting de Finetti's betting-odds method to prospect theory, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 34, 179-199 (
(2007) Veronika Köbberling, Christiane Schwieren, Peter P. Wakker, Prospect-theory's diminishing sensitivity versus economics' intrinsic utility of money: How the introduction of the Euro can be used to disentangle the two empirically, Theory and Decision 63, 205-231 (
(2007) Peter P. Wakker, Danielle R.M. Timmermans, Irma A. Machielse, The effects of statistical information on risk and ambiguity attitudes, and on rational insurance decisions, Management Science 53, 1770-1784 (
(2006) Gijs van de Kuilen, Peter P. Wakker, Learning in the Allais paradox, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 33, 155-164 (
(2005) Mohammed Abdellaoui, Peter P. Wakker, The likelihood method for decision under uncertainty, Theory and Decision 58, 3-76 (
(2005) Veronika Köbberling, Peter P. Wakker, An index of loss aversion, Journal of Economic Theory 122, 119-131 (
(2005) Peter P. Wakker, Decision-foundations for properties of nonadditive measures; General state spaces or general outcome spaces, Games and Economic Behavior 50, 107-125 (
(2004) Enrico Diecidue, Ulrich Schmidt, Peter P. Wakker, The utility of gambling reconsidered, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 29, 241-259 (
(2004) Veronika Köbberling, Peter P. Wakker, A simple tool for qualitatively testing, quantitatively measuring, and normatively justifying Savage's subjective expected utility, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 28, 135-145 (
(2004) Sylvie M.C. van Osch, Peter P. Wakker, Wilbert B. van den Hout, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Correcting biases in standard gamble and time tradeoff utilities, Medical Decision Making 24, 511-517 (
(2004) Peter P. Wakker, On the composition of risk preference and belief, Psychological Review 111, 236-241 (
(2004) Peter P. Wakker, Sylvia J.T. Jansen, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Anchor levels as a new tool for the theory and measurement of multiattribute utility, Decision Analysis 1, 217-234 (
(2003) Peter P. Wakker, The data of Levy and Levy (2002), "Prospect Theory: Much Ado about Nothing?" actually support prospect theory, Management Science 49, 979-981 (
(2003) Veronika Köbberling, Peter P. Wakker, Preference foundations for nonexpected utility: A generalized and simplified technique, Mathematics of Operations Research 28, 395-423 (
(2002) Enrico Diecidue, Peter P. Wakker, Dutch books: Avoiding strategic and dynamic complications, and a comonotonic extension, Mathematical Social Sciences 43, 135-149 (
(2002) Itzhak Gilboa, David Schmeidler, Peter P. Wakker, Utility in case-based decision theory, Journal of Economic Theory 105, 483-502 (
(2002) Peter P. Wakker, Horst Zank, A simple preference-foundation of cumulative prospect theory with power utility, European Economic Review 46, 1253-1271 (
(2002) Peter P. Wakker, Decision-principles to justify Carnap's updating method and to suggest corrections of probability judgments. In: Adnam Darwiche & Nir Friedman (Eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 544-551 (
(2001) Han Bleichrodt, Jose Luis Pinto, Peter P. Wakker, Making descriptive use of prospect theory to improve the prescriptive use of expected utility, Management Science 47, 1498-1514 (
(2001) Peter P. Wakker, Testing and characterizing properties of nonadditive measures through violations of the sure-thing principle, Econometrica 69, 1039-1059 (
(2001) Enrico Diecidue, Peter P. Wakker, On the intuition of rank-dependent utility, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 23, 281-298 (
(2001) Anja De Waegenaere, Peter P. Wakker, Nonmonotonic Choquet integrals, Journal of Mathematical Economics 36, 45-60 (
(2001) Piet N. Post, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Peter P. Wakker, The utility of health states following stroke; A systematic review of the literature, Stroke 32, 1425-1429 (
(2000) Sylvia J.T.Jansen, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Peter P. Wakker, Marianne A. Nooij, E.M. Noordijk, Job Kievit, Unstable preferences: A shift in valuation or an effect of the elicitation procedure?, Medical Decision Making 20, 62-71 (
(2000) Peter P. Wakker, Dempster belief functions are based on the principle of complete ignorance, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 8, 271-284 (
(2000) Rakesh H. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, Cumulative dominance and probabilistic sophistication, Mathematical Social Sciences 40, 191-196 (
(2000) Peter P. Wakker, Uncertainty aversion: A discussion of critical issues in health economics, Health Economics 9, 261-263 (
(2000) Peter P. Wakker, Luce's paradigm for decision under uncertainty. Book review. of: R. Duncan Luce (2000), "Utility of gains and losses: Measurement-theoretical and experimental approaches”. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 44, 488-493 (
(2000) Peter P. Wakker, Book Review of: Salvador Barberà, Peter J. Hammond, & Christian Seidl (1998) "Handbook of Utility Theory, Vol. 1, Principles," Journal of Economic Literature 38, 638-639 (
(1999) Peter P. Wakker, Horst Zank, State dependent expected utility for Savage's state space, Mathematics of Operations Research 24, 8-34 (
(1999) Peter P. Wakker, Horst Zank, A unified derivation of classical subjective expected utility models through cardinal utility, Journal of Mathematical Economics 32, 1-19 (
(1999) Alain Chateauneuf, Peter P. Wakker, An axiomatization of cumulative prospect theory for decision under risk, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 18, 137-145 (
(1998) Sylvia J.T. Jansen, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Peter P. Wakker, Thea P.M. Vliet Vlieland, Jan-Willem H. Leer, Marianne A. Nooy, Job Kievit, Patient utilities for cancer treatments: A study of the chained procedure for the standard gamble and time tradeoff, Medical Decision Making 18, 391-399 (
(1998) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, Revealed likelihood and Knightian uncertainty, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 16, 223-250 (
(1998) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, Dynamic choice and nonexpected utility, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 17, 87-119 (
(1998) John M. Miyamoto, Peter P. Wakker, Han Bleichrodt, Hans J.M. Peters, The zero-condition: A simplifying assumption in QALY measurement and multiattribute utility, Management Science 44, 839-849 (
(1998) Peter P. Wakker, Non-EU and insurance. Book review of: Christian Gollier & Mark J. Machina (Eds., 1995), "Non-Expected Utility and Risk Management," Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 11, 151-160 (
(1997) Daniel Kahneman, Peter P. Wakker, Rakesh K. Sarin, Back to Bentham? Explorations of experienced utility, Quarterly Journal of Economics 112, 375-405 (
(1997) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, A single-stage approach to Anscombe and Aumann's expected utility, Review of Economic Studies 64, 399-409 (
(1997) Hein Fennema, Peter P. Wakker, Original and cumulative prospect theory: A discussion of empirical differences, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 10, 53-64 (
(1997) Han Bleichrodt, Peter P. Wakker, Magnus Johannesson, Characterizing QALYs by risk neutrality, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 15, 107-114 (
(1997) Peep F.M. Stalmeier, Peter P. Wakker, Thom G.G. Bezembinder, Preference reversals: Violations of unidimensional procedure invariance, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance 23, 1196-1205 (
(1997) Peter P. Wakker, Richard H. Thaler, Amos Tversky, Probabilistic insurance, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 15, 7-28 (
(1996) Peter P. Wakker, Daniel Deneffe, Eliciting von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities when probabilities are distorted or unknown, Management Science 42, 1131-1150 (
(1996) Soo Hong Chew, Peter P. Wakker, The comonotonic sure-thing principle, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 12, 5-27 (
(1996) John Miyamoto, Peter P. Wakker, Multiattribute utility theory without expected utility foundations, Operations Research 44, 313-326 (
(1996) Hans J.M. Peters, Peter P. Wakker, Cycle-preserving extension of demand functions to new commodities, Journal of Mathematical Economics 25, 281-290 (
(1996) Hein Fennema, Peter P. Wakker, A test of rank-dependent utility in the context of ambiguity, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 13, 19-35 (
(1996) Peter P. Wakker, A criticism of healthy-years equivalents, Medical Decision Making 16, 207-214 (
(1996) Daniel Deneffe, Peter P. Wakker, Mergers, strategic investments and antitrust policy, Managerial and Decision Economics 17, 231-240 (
(1996) Peter P. Wakker, The sure-thing principle and the comonotonic sure-thing principle: An axiomatic analysis, Journal of Mathematical Economics 25, 213-227 (
(1996) Peter P. Wakker, Time preference. Book Review of: George F. Loewenstein & John Elster (1992), "Choice over Time"; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 9, 297-303 (
(1996) Peter P. Wakker, Creativity and modelling. Book Review of: Patrick Rivett (1994), "The Craft of Decision Modelling"; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 9, 150-151 (
(1995) Peter C. Fishburn, Peter P. Wakker, The invention of the independence condition for preferences, Management Science 41, 1130-1144 (
(1995) Arne Maas, Thom G.G. Bezembinder, Peter P. Wakker, On solving intransitivities in repeated pairwise choices, Mathematical Social Sciences 29, 83-101 (
(1995) Peter P. Wakker, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Explaining distortions in utility elicitation through the rank-dependent model for risky choices, Medical Decision Making 15, 180-186 (
(1995) Peter P. Wakker, Marc P. Klaassen, Confidence intervals for cost/effectiveness ratios, Health Economics 4, 373-381 (
(1995) Amos Tversky, Peter P. Wakker, Risk attitudes and decision weights, Econometrica 63, 1255-1280 (
(1994) Peter P. Wakker, Separating marginal utility and probabilistic risk aversion, Theory and Decision 36, 1-44 (
(1994) Peter P. Wakker, Ido Erev, Elke U. Weber, Comonotonic independence: The critical test between classical and rank-dependent utility theories, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 9, 195-230 (
(1994) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, Folding back in decision tree analysis, Management Science 40, 625-628 (
(1994) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, A general result for quantifying beliefs, Econometrica 62, 683-685 (
(1994) Hans J.M. Peters, Peter P. Wakker, WARP does not imply SARP for more than two commodities, Journal of Economic Theory 62, 152-160 (
(1994) Arne Maas, Peter P. Wakker, Additive conjoint measurement for multiattribute utility, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38, 86-101 (
(1994) John Quiggin, Peter P. Wakker, The axiomatic basis of anticipated utility: A clarification, Journal of Economic Theory 64, 486-499 (
(1994) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, Gains and losses in nonadditive expected utility, In: Mark J. Machina & Bertrand R. Munier (Eds.), Models and Experiments on Risk and Rationality, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 157-172 (
(1994) Peter P. Wakker, Expected versus nonexpected utility: The state of the art. Book Review of: Ward Edwards (ed., 1992), "Utility measurements and Applications"; Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38, 521-524 (
(1994) Peter P. Wakker, Quiggin's rank-dependent model. Book Review of: John Quiggin (1993), "Generalized Expected Utility Theory: The Rank-Dependent Model"; Journal of Mathematical Psychology 38, 525-526 (
(1993) Peter P. Wakker, Additive representations on rank-ordered sets II. The topological approach, Journal of Mathematical Economics 22, 1-26 (
(1993) Peter P. Wakker, Counterexamples to Segal's measure representation theorem, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 6, 91-98 (
(1993) Soo Hong Chew, Larry G. Epstein, Peter P. Wakker, A unifying approach to axiomatic non-expected utility theories: Correction and comment, Journal of Economic Theory 59, 183-188 (
(1993) Peter P. Wakker, Clarification of some mathematical misunderstandings about Savage's foundations of statistics, 1954, Mathematical Social Sciences 25, 199-202 (
(1993) Peter P. Wakker, Unbounded utility for Savage's "Foundations of Statistics," and other models, Mathematics of Operations Research 18, 446-485 (
(1993) Peter P. Wakker, Savage's axioms usually imply violation of strict stochastic dominance, Review of Economic Studies 60, 487-493 (
(1993) Peter P. Wakker, Amos Tversky, An axiomatization of cumulative prospect theory, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 7, 147-176 (
(1993) Alain Chateauneuf, Peter P. Wakker, From local to global additive representation, Journal of Mathematical Economics 22, 523-545 (
(1993) Jean-Yves Jaffray, Peter P. Wakker, Decision making with belief functions: Compatibility and incompatibility with the sure-thing principle, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 7, 255-271 (
(1992) Rakesh K. Sarin, Peter P. Wakker, A simple axiomatization of nonadditive expected utility, Econometrica 60, 1255-1272 (
(1992) Peter P. Wakker, Characterizing stochastically monotone functions by multi-attribute utility theory, Economic Theory 2, 565-566 (
(1991) Peter P. Wakker, Additive representation for equally spaced structures, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 35, 260-266 (
(1991) Peter P. Wakker, Continuity of transformations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 162, 1-6 (
(1991) Peter P. Wakker, Additive representations on rank-ordered sets. I. The algebraic approach, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 35, 501-531 (
(1991) Hans J.M. Peters, Peter P. Wakker, Independence of irrelevant alternatives and revealed group preferences, Econometrica 59, 1787-1801 (
(1991) Peter P. Wakker, Additive representations of preferences: A new foundation of decision analysis. The algebraic approach. In: Jean-Paul Doignon & Jean-Claude Falmagne (Eds.), Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments, Springer, Berlin, 71-87 (
(1990) Peter P. Wakker, A behavioral foundation for fuzzy measures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 37, 327-350 (
(1990) Peter P. Wakker, Characterizing optimism and pessimism directly through comonotonicity, Journal of Economic Theory 52, 453-463 (
(1990) Peter P. Wakker, Under stochastic dominance Choquet-expected utility and anticipated utility are identical, Theory and Decision 29, 119-132 (
(1990) Thom G.G. Bezembinder, Peter P. Wakker, Review of Chapter 2.10 of Richard C. Atkinson, R.J. Hernnstein, Gardner E. Lindzey, & R. Duncan Luce (1988, Eds.), "Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology", Acta Psychologica 75, 193-194 (
(1989) Peter P. Wakker, Continuous subjective expected utility with nonadditive probabilities, Journal of Mathematical Economics 18, 1-27 (
(1989) Peter P. Wakker, Transforming probabilities without violating stochastic dominance. In: Edward E.Ch.I. Roskam (Ed.), Mathematical Psychology in Progress, Springer, Berlin, 29-47 (
(1989) P.P. Wakker, Additive representations of preferences: A new foundation of decision analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers ( – type: “additive representations of preferences”).
(1988) Peter P. Wakker, Nonexpected utility as aversion of information, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 1, 169-175 (
(1988) Peter P. Wakker, Continuity of preference relations for separable topologies, International Economic Review 29, 105-110 (
(1988) Peter P. Wakker, The algebraic versus the topological approach to additive representations, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 32, 421-435 (
(1988) Peter P. Wakker, Derived strength of preference relations on coordinates, Economics Letters 28, 301-306 (
(1987) Hans J.M. Peters, Peter P. Wakker, Convex functions on non-convex domains, Economics Letters 22, 251-255 (
(1987) Peter P. Wakker, Subjective probabilities for state-dependent continuous utility, Mathematical Social Sciences 14, 289-298 (
(1986) Peter P. Wakker, The repetitions approach to characterize cardinal utility, Theory and Decision 20, 33-40 (
(1984) Peter P. Wakker, Cardinal coordinate independence for expected utility, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 28, 110-117 (
(1983) Rene de Koster, Hans J.M. Peters, Stef H. Tijs, Peter P. Wakker, Risk sensitivity, independence of irrelevant alternatives and continuity of bargaining solutions, Mathematical Social Sciences 4, 295-300 (
(1981) Peter P. Wakker, Agreeing probability measures for comparative probability structures, Annals of Statistics 9, 658-662 (
Updated: January 14, 2010